Mohammad Kashif – Al-Iman Academy Oh My Lord! Increase me in knowledge Thu, 14 Mar 2024 19:26:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Mohammad Kashif – Al-Iman Academy 32 32 214455716 Announcements Thu, 14 Mar 2024 10:03:00 +0000

Registration 2024-25

Welcome to the 2024-25 school year! Whether you’re a returning student or new to the school, Al-Iman admins and staff is here to assist and provide information throughout your academic journey. If you have any questions about subjects, assignments, projects, or anything else related to school, feel free to ask. Let’s make this a great year of learning and growth!. Registration

Quality Education in an Islamic Environment Fri, 01 Sep 2023 14:34:07 +0000 When you enroll your child at Al-Iman Academy, you have our commitment to your child’s safety, learning and help building the core Islamic values that every person needs.  We are able to provide these quality services at an affordable price due to the support of ICR Shura, our dedicated staff members as well as all the members of our community whose encouragement and support is invaluable. We thank you all!

We strive to take this school to next levels by adding new programs, expanding the curriculum and adding more facilities for children to learn and play.

Our Vision roadmap

Welcome To Al-Iman Academy

Board Members Fri, 16 Oct 2020 19:34:58 +0000 Dear Parents, Students, and Visitors:

Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh.

The Board Members of the Al-Iman Academy welcomes you and your family to this place of learning where our focus is on enhancing the learning ability of every child.  The board of Al-Iman Academy is comprised of a diverse members from our local Richmond muslim community and their purpose is to provide and enhance the education opportunities for the community’s young in an Islamic environment.

When you enroll your child at Al-Iman Academy, you have our commitment to your child’s safety, learning and help building the core Islamic values that every person needs.  We are able to provide these quality services at an affordable price due to the support of ICR Shura, our dedicated staff members as well as all the members of our community whose encouragement and support is invaluable. We thank you all!

We strive to take this school to next levels by adding new programs, expanding the curriculum and adding more facilities for children to learn and play.  Should you have any suggestions or constructive feedback, do not hesitate to contact us by filling out the contact us form on this website or emailing the Al-Iman Board at


Board Members

Al-Iman Academy

Al-Iman Academy Wed, 14 Oct 2020 19:18:15 +0000 The mission of Al-Iman Academy is to provide quality and affordable education in an Islamic environment.  We provide Islamic Sunday School, Pre-School and Summer Camps to children between 3 years and 13 year old.

Advance Curriculum Wed, 16 Nov 2016 08:17:42 +0000 Our Islamic teachings are implemented through the guidelines provided by Masjid Yusuf most trusted name in Greater Richmond VA. We use the guidance to promote Islamic teachings by planning motivating cross-curricular activities, which cater for the needs and interests of all children. 

We encourage children to explore the teachings of Islam through all the areas of development set out in the curriculum.  Our Islamic teachings cover:

  • Allah, His messengers, The Qur’an and all His creation;
  • The basic seerahs of some Prophets in Islam;
  • The five pillars of Islam;
  • The importance of Jummah;
  • Short Surahs from the Qur’an;
  • Short hadeeths pertaining to Islamic manners and etiquettes;
  • Daily and topic related du’as;
  • The celebration of all major Islamic events
Sunday School Wed, 16 Nov 2016 07:38:20 +0000

“The mission of the Al-Iman Academy Sunday School is to provide basic Islamic education to young children that is necessary for every Muslim man and woman

The program is governed by a structured curriculum based on various levels of Islamic education, and it is designed to cover children of age 5 to 12 year old.  The curriculum is broken into 4 levels of classes which will enable continual and gradual progress of the student in Arabic, Quran Memorization and Islamic studies.

LEVEL 1:                                                                         

Islamic Studies

  • Introduction to Islam, Allah- Our creator, Our faith, Quran and Prophet Muhammaad(S)
  • The five pillars of Islam – Shahadah, Salat, Zakat, Fasting and Hajj
  • Prophets of Allah and their message
  • Stories about the prophets Adam (A), Nuh (A), Ibrahim (A), Isa (A) and Musa (A)
  • Basics of Islam – Angels, Shaitan, Makkah and Madinah,Eid Festivals
  • Introduction to Salat and charity. Names of different salats.
  • Akhlaq and Adan in Islam – Good Mannerism, Kindness and Sharing, Respect, Forgiveness, Thanking Allah

Arabic Language

  • Reading of Arabic alphabets, Arabic Qaida
  • Writing of Arabic alphabets and short vowels along with construction of words

Quran Memorization

  • Memorization and meaning of the kalimas
  • Memorization of Surah Fatiha, Surah Ikhlas, Surah Falaq and Surah Naas
  • Memorization of some basic duas for daily life

LEVEL 2:                                                                         

Islamic Studies

  • The Creator and His message- Allah: Our Creator, How Does Allah Create?, What Does Allah Do?, The Qur’ān, Hadith and sunnah
  • The five pillars of Islam – Shahadah, Salat, Zakat, Fasting and Hajj
  • Stories about the prophets Ibrahim (A): A Friend of Allah, Yaqub (A) and Yusuf (A), Musa (A) and Harun (A), Yunus (A)
  • Seerah of Prophet Mohammad (S)
  • Learning about Islam – Day of Judgment, Our Masjid, Islamic Phrases, Food That We May Eat
  • Islamic Holidays, Saum, Zakat and Hajj
  • Performing wudu and Salat
  • Akhlaq – Truthfulness, Kindness, Respect, Responsibility, Obedience, Honesty, Cleanliness

Arabic Language

  • Reading and writing of Long vowels
  • Be able to read Arabic

Quran Memorization

  • Memorization of Surah 106 to 114
  • Understand the meaning of Surah 106 to 114
  • Memorization of some advanced duas for daily life

LEVEL 3:                                                                         

Arabic Language

  • Be able to read Arabic
  • Be able to recite Quran

Quran Memorization

  • Memorization of Surah 98 to 105
  • Understand the meaning of Surah 98 to 105
  • Memorization of more advanced duas for daily life

Islamic Studies

  • The Creator and His message- Allah: Who Is Allāh?, What Allāh Is and Is Not, , Allāh: The Most Merciful, Most Rewarding, Allāh: The Best Judge, What Does Allāh Want Us To Do?
  • Islamic Teachings – We Are Muslims: We Have ‘Imān, Belief in the Qur’ān, Belief in the Messengers, Hadīth and Sunnah, Jinn
  • The five pillars of Islam – Shahadah, Salat, Zakat, Fasting and Hajj
  • Stories about the prophets – Ismā‘īl (A) and Ishāq (A): Nabi of Allāh, Shu‘aib (A): Nabi of Allāh, Dāwūd (A): Nabi of Allāh, Isā (A): Nabi of Allāh
  • Seerah of Prophet Mohammad (S)
  • Performing wudu and Salat
  • About Islam- The Ka‘bah, Masjid an-Nabawī: The Nabi’s Masjid, Bilāl ibn Rabāh, Zayd ibn Hārithah
  • Akhlaq – Kindness: A Virtue of the Believers, Forgiveness: A Quality of the Believers, Good Deeds: A Duty of the Believers, Perseverance: Never Give Up, Punctuality: Doing Things on Time.

LEVEL 4:                                                                         

Arabic Language

  • Be able to read Arabic
  • Be able to recite Quran

Quran Memorization

  • Memorization of Surahs
  • Understand the meaning of Surah
  • Memorization of more advanced duas for daily life

Islamic Studies

  • Rewards of Allah, Discipline of Allah, Names of Allah, Books of Allah
  • Pre-Islamic Arabia: Age of Ignorance, The Year of the Elephant, Early Life of Muhammad (S), Life Before Becoming a Nabi, First Revelation, Makkah Period: The Early Years of the Muslims, Hijrat to Madīnah:  The Migration that Shaped History, Madīnah Period:  Islam Prospers
  • Abū Bakr (R): The First Khalīfah, ‘Umar al-Khattāb (R): The Second Khalīfah, ‘Uthmān Ibn ‘Affān (R):  The Third Khalīfah, ‘Ali Ibn Abu Tālib (R): The Fourth Khalīfah
  • Hūd (A): Struggle to Guide Mankind , Sālih (A): Struggle to Guide the Misguided, Mūsā (A):  His Life and Achievements, Sulaimān (A):  A King and a Servant of Allāh
  • Preparation for Salāt , Compulsory Acts in Salāh, Mubtilāt-us-Salāh: Things that Invalidate Salāh , How to pray Behind an Imām
  • Compilers of Hadīth, Shaitān’s Mode of Operation, Day of Judgment: The Day of Ultimate Justice , ‘Eid: Significance of the Festivities  , Truthfulness: An Important Quality for Muslims, Perseverance: Keep on Trying



Arabic Language

  • Be able to read Arabic
  • Be able to recite Quran

Quran Memorization

  • Memorization of Surah
  • Understand the meaning of Surah
  • Memorization of more advanced duas for daily life

Islamic Studies

  • Tawhīd, Kāfir, Kufr, Shirk, Nifāq ,Why Should We Worship Allāh?,Revelation of the Qur’ān, Characteristics of the Messengers
  • Pledges of ‘Aqabah: Invitation to Migrate, The Battle of Badr, The Battle of Uhud, The Battle of the Trench, The  Treaty of Hudaibiyah, Liberation of Makkah: A Bloodless Victory
  • Ādam (A): The Creation of Human Beings , Ibrāhīm (A): His Debate with the Polytheists, Ibrāhīm (A): His Plan Against the Idols, Luqmān (A): A Wise Man’s Lifelong Advice , Yūsuf (A): His Childhood and Life in Aziz’s Home, Yūsuf (A): Standing Up for Righteousness, Yūsuf (A): Childhood Dream Comes True , Ayyūb (A): Example of Patience and Perseverance , Zakariyyāh (A) and Yahyā (A)
  • Major Masājid in the World
  • Upholding Truth: A Duty of All Believers, Responsibility and Punctuality, My Mind, My Body: Body Is a Mirror of the Mind, Kindness and Forgiveness, The Middle Path: Ways to Avoid Two Extremes, Salāt: Its Significance, Sawm: Its Significance, Zakāt and Sadaqh: Similarities and Differences
Pre-School Wed, 16 Nov 2016 07:21:43 +0000

Mission: “The mission of the Al-Iman Academy Pre-School is to provide safe,
affordable, high quality child care while educating the children between 3 and 5 year old in the greater Richmond area.”

Our goal is to provide an Islamic environment where children are encouraged to learn both western as well as Islamic education. Our staff is committed to enhancing the social as well as academic learning of the children, and to prepare them for the future ahead.

Al-Iman Academy pre-school curriculum is designed to enable both Islamic as well as academic learning in students while providing necessary social skills to succeed in the future. Below are the areas that this curriculum will focus on.

Islamic Studies

  • Be comfortable in an Islamic environment and learn basic Islamic etiquettes
  • Memorize 1st Kalima, some basic duas and surahs
  • Memorize Arabic alphabets
  • Learn some basic facts about Islam and the prophets
  • Numbers and Counting
  • Learn to identify and memorize the numbers one through 10 and correctly count 10
  • or more objects.
  • Learn to memorize and identify the numbers 11 through 20 and correctly count them
  • As they advance, they will learn that the numbers and objects actually correspond.

Letters and Sounds

  • Learn to recognize and name all 26 uppercase letters (lowercase letters are harder

to learn at this age)

  • They will recognize their own first name and be able to print it, along with some other

letters and meaningful words

  • Children will also develop a connection between letters and sounds and know some

of the sounds that letters make

Colors, Shapes, and Objects

  • Learn or continue to learn the names of many colors
  • Learn basic shapes and body parts

Drawing and Cutting

  • Learn to hold a crayon and draw basic shapes
  • As they develop better hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills, they will start

drawing and coloring beyond just scribbles and will learn to use pencils,

paintbrushes, and glue.

  • Learn to cut with scissors in a safe manner and cut basic shapes

Socializing and Sharing

  • Developing important social skills is necessary and to know how to ask for help
  • Learn how to share and cooperate, to participate in group activities and to work
  • together and take turns
  • Learn to follow simple directions, and to communicate wants and needs