Idea Generation

With representational abilities, children’s imaginations become boundless! They love pretend games and have a natural tendency to fantasize, experiment, and explore. They are fascinated with magic and struggle to distinguish between fantasy and reality. However, their creative drive ignites a desire to learn and supports intellectual development across all subjects. Thus, it is the perfect time to support the development of divergent thinking—where children generate unique solutions and make new connections without being tied to “the” one right answer or way of doing things

At Al-Iman we encourage creative problem solving: Ask your child open-ended questions that have no right or wrong. Encourage her to tell you why she thinks as she does (fostering creativity, cognition, and language development)

We Provide an array of experiences to build your child’s foundation of knowledge (e.g., go to museums, visit libraries, and explore different neighborhoods in your town).

We also give our students a list of things to find (e.g., something that has color, 2 smooth objects, 4 things that smells nice) then use them in a creation. Have recyclable materials (e.g., egg cartons, cardboard boxes, etc.) available to make projects with