Intellectual Development

From learning to cut with scissors or hold a pencil to learning to share, take turns, and problem solve, these are developmental skills for preschoolers.

The early years are the time to build a strong foundation in all developmental areas. At Al-Iman Academy we design our curriculum to meet specific milestones in all domains of development and learning helps preschoolers establish behaviors and skills that will make them successful.

Pre-K Aliman Academy

Play is an elusive concept, and it’s an essential part of life, not just childhood.  But it is absolutely necessary for proper development in the formative years.


Play encourages all areas of proper development, from cognitive and physical to social and emotional. We design our curriculum in such a way that kids will learn the most important concept of sharing and problem solving skills.

Children are naturally social and curious. They are also packed full of big emotions and need help navigating their feelings and learning how to react and respond in social situations.

Al-Iman Academy provides the best Pre-school development skills that includes

1.Social Development
2.Language Development
3.Self Help
4.Physical Development
5.Religious Development